More DIY Holiday Gifts
Nov 17, 2015
I’m just a sucker for lovely, indulgent spa-type experiences. What nicer than to relax with a foot soak, or a nice hot bubble bath. Here are a few more simple recipes that you can make for family and friends this holiday season. Make sure to make extra for yourself!
Yoga Mat Spray
- 3/4 cup distilled water
- 1/4 cup alcohol-free witch hazel or white vinegar
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 5 drops melaleuca essential oil
- Glass spray bottle
Combine all ingredients in glass spray bottle and combine well.
Bubble Bath
- 1 cup unscented liquid castille soap
- 1/2 cup vegetable glycerin
- 2 tablespoons water
- 15 drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender, jasmine and ylang ylang would be great ones to promote relaxation, peppermint or wild orange would be more uplifting).
Combine castile soap, glycerin and water in a glass bowl. Add essential oils and stir well until combined. Pour into glass container.
Foot Soak
- 1 cup epsom salts
- 5-8 drops essential oil (lemon, peppermint and citrus would be cleansing and uplifting; lavender, vetiver, geranium and ylang ylang would be relaxing).
Pour Epsom salt and essential oil into a bowl of warm water. Soak feet 10-20 minutes. Wash feet with cold water and pat dry.
Clay Mask
- 2 tablespoons bentonite clay
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 drop frankincense
- 1 drop lavender
- 1 drop melaleuca
Combine clay and vinegar in a bowl and stir until combined. Add essential oils. Apply to clean skin,avoiding mouth and eyes. Let dry 5-15 minutes. Rise with warm water and follow with moisturizer or coconut oil.
I’m excited to try different oils and combinations of oils with these recipes. I personally would add lemongrass to the yoga mat spray, and maybe some rosemary to the foot soak. Last week I posted some body scrub recipes. Now you have more DIY holiday gifts to choose from!