Rescue Remedy Helps With Stress and Anxiousness
Apr 30, 2018
Flower essences have been around for ages and play a valuable role in health. Perhaps the best known of all is Rescue Remedy, a blend of Bach flower essences. Rescue Remedy helps with stress and anxiousness and has a lovely, calming effect.
I find flower essences to be subtle and yet effective in helping with emotional stressors of day-to-day. Rescue Remedy, as the name implies, is used for those moments where you need a little “rescuing”, a little emergency calm down. Obviously, if major health issues are occurring, it is still important to seek medical attention, but I have found that even in those moments, a little Rescue Remedy can help to take the edge off anxiety and stress.
Rescue Remedy is kind of a short-term aid. For people working through deeper and longer-term emotional challenges, a more personalized flower essence formula may be more appropriate. Here are some examples of times that I have personally used Rescue Remedy.
- For those nerves before going into exams.
- For jitters before going to do a talk in front of people.
- Coming in after a run where I tripped and fell and grazed my knee.
- After an argument with my husband where I felt all stressed out.
- In the dog’s water when we moved house and he was adjusting.
- In the dog’s water after he had several teeth pulled and was not a happy boy.
And the list goes on. You can see that it’s best used to take the edge off an acute situation.
Rescue Remedy comes in a small dropper bottle that can easily be carried around in one’s purse, car, diaper bag or hand luggage when traveling. There is an alcohol-free version for kids and pets, and there are also pastilles, a spray, a cream and others.
- Star of Bethlehem – Orithogalum umbellatum
- Rock Rose – Helianthemum
- Cherry Plum – Prunus cerasifera
- Impatiens – Impatiens gladulifera
- Clematis – Clematis vitalba
Rescue Remedy is an old favorite of mine for gentle, safe, subtle assistance with calming and managing stress.