The Seven Step System to More Joy and Freedom

Dr. Nicola’s Transformational Healing Academy helps people take control of their chronic illness
by harnessing the power of their conscious and subconscious mind to accelerate their healing and experience a life of empowerment, freedom and wholeness.
It is an 8-week, live, small group program conducted via Zoom.
The program consists of 8 weekly masterclasses followed immediately by coaching and implantation sessions.
It is a small group program – the groups are deliberately kept very small so that there is plenty of time for individualized attention, while still providing mutual support to one another and a generating a sense of community.
Dr. Nicola has helped many patients like yourself find their way back from chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease.
She has worked with chronic Lyme for the past 20 years to help people heal physically; but also saw the necessity to work on the mental, emotional and neurological aspects …
- To learn how to actually rewire the brain and create new neural pathways.
- To learn how to utilize both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind to facilitate healing.
- To learn how to overcome limiting beliefs and resolve painful emotions.
- To learn how to break ties with the past, in particular in the light of negative experiences in the medical system and lack of understanding by friends and family.
- To get clear on identity and values - who we are in the world and what drives us.
- To shift to a more positive outlook and empowered state of being.
- To connect with a vision of a compelling future and be moving towards that.

As a Result of this Program You Will Be:
- Educated on how the mind works.
- Empowered in how to break the negative thought spiral.
- Feeling positive and hopeful.
- Reconnected with others and life.
- Feeling in control and empowered.
- Equipped with tools and strategies to help yourself.
- Surrounded by like-minded people.
Summary of the Modules

Module One – The Path to Awareness
- In this module you will learn about the conscious and the subconscious mind are and how they work.
- You will have a much greater understanding of your subconscious mind – the infinite power within.
- You will be able to make better choices towards your healing, leading to greater empowerment, feeling more in control, and more hopeful for the future.

Module Two - Transforming Our Reality
- In this module you will come to understand how you create your reality.
- You will learn that reality is not something that is common to all of us – we each create our own reality based on our internal programs.
- You will learn that we can indeed transform how we generate and experience our world.

Module Three – The Thoughts Superhighway Creator
- In this module you will learn the power you have to change your brain and neural pathways.
- You will learn how to strengthen more positive and empowering neural pathways while breaking down and dissolving the negative ones.
- You will be equipped to wire your own brain for health and healing.

Module Four – The Limiting Belief Eliminator
- In this module you’ll be able to Identify your limiting beliefs, including ones around your healing.
- You will uncover your blind spots, bringing more self-awareness, and you will be better able to bring your unconscious beliefs and values into the conscious realm.
- You will also evaluate and identify your highest values around your health and learn how to use this to form the decisions you make.

Module Five – Creating Our State of Being Deep Dive
- In this module we will dive into even deeper understanding of how our thoughts and emotions create our reality.
- You will understand how your state of being influences all your cells, your hormones, your immune response - in fact every function in your body.
- You will learn how your state of being influences the way genes are expressed – towards disease or towards health.

Module Six – The Subconscious Mind Activator
- In this module you will learn how to access the subconscious mind to affect change at the deepest levels.
- You will understand different brain wave patterns and how we must deliberately utilize specific patterns for growth and healing.
- We will demystify the practices that will allow you unlock the subconscious mind and give you tools to reprogram the subconscious mind with more empowering and resourceful programs.

Module Seven – The Manifestation Method
- In this module you will learn how to set goals and outcomes that are effective and empowering.
- You will understand the “missing link” in manifestation practices.
- You will be able to manifest and create your greatest desires in your health and all areas of your life.

Module Eight – The Roadmap to Success
- In this module we will celebrate you and your growth throughout this program.
- You will break energetic ties that no longer serve you to people in your life and be empowered to set healthy boundaries with others.
- We will equip you to continue your transformational healing journey – to take the information and experience from the prior modules and apply it on a day-to-day basis for long-term success and ongoing growth and healing.
- We will celebrate your transformation and victories together.
To be honest, this program is not for everyone.
I’m looking for highly motivated individuals who are truly committed to their own growth throughout their journey in chronic illness, and who are willing to invest in themselves for the transformation that is available to them as a result of this program.
Who this is for :

You are committed to healing on every level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

You want to learn how to finally feel empowered and in control of your destiny.

You realize that chronic illness does not define you and want to have the best quality of life you can possibly have along the way.

You are interested in tools and strategies to help yourself navigate the mental and emotional aspects of chronic illness, and are willing to take consistent action to create change.

You recognize that you struggle with negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, have medical PTSD and/or find yourself in negative emotional spirals and you want to learn how to break those patterns.
Hello and Welcome Our Dear Warriors!
I am Dr. Nicola Ducharme, the creator of this course and your friendly guide.
I am an Aussie girl, a wife, a mom, and a Naturopathic Doctor dedicated to helping you and your family live the happiest and healthiest lives possible.
As a doctor, I have seen patients battle chronic illnesses in the most hopeless circumstances and triumph over what looked like an unbeatable battle. It is why I created this course. I want YOU to know that you can do the same.
I received my Bachelor of Health Sciences (Naturopathy) in Australia, and I'm happy to say that my Lyme-specialized private practice, four books on Lyme disease, Dr. Nicola's Wellness Community, and integrative health courses have helped thousands of people live healthier lives.

I am a board-certified practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming, Clinical Hypnotherapy, TIME Techniques, Emotional Freedom Technique and Life and Success Coaching, and it is with these modalities that I have created The Transformational Healing Academy to help people understand how they can truly rewire their brain to facilitate their healing.
"Thank you for being here. I can’t wait to get to know you better. Which brings me to the reason I’ve done all of this – YOU! I’m here to serve you. I know it can be tough to get started on a journey to better health but let me assure you that you’re in the right place and now is the right time to get started."
Many of my patients have overcome Lyme disease and its psychological effects on them. I want that for you too, and I would love the opportunity to hold your hand and walk you through this process.
Here are some of my previous students said:

Z.I. San Diego CA
I just wanted to thank you for giving me the chance to join the mindset group, This was a life changing experience for me. Although I’m not a lyme patient but the benefits and inspiration I got from you and everyone was great. I’ve been doing the gratitude journal daily at night and I feel so good when i do it. The hypnosis you did, made me see things clearly and created a vision for the future I want. I’m reading the Atomic habit book at the same time, that with listening to your daily recordings I feel are helping me alot in every aspect of my life. Even my relationship with my husband is better, my reactions to everything he does is so different, i think the meditation makes me calmer and reduced my anxiety. My health in general is much better.. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend every Zoom, but I was listening once and sometimes twice to the recordings. Thank you again.. I will miss it!
V.P., San Diego, CA
This transformational healing academy is such a gift! Throughout the program, I have learned so many tools that have helped me to understand and strengthen the mind-body connection, which I now understand is intimately connected with our physiological wellbeing and our ability to reach an optimal state of health. Dr. Nicola is a wealth of knowledge and compassionately holds space for each participant to explore and challenge their beliefs in order to transcend into greater levels of healing. The resources and support provided have helped me establish new daily habits and practices, which I continue to put into practice well beyond the completion of the program. I have noticed tangible, positive shifts not only in my health, but also in every other facet of my life. I would argue that everyone could benefit from this information, and that this work is especially vital to anyone dealing with chronic illness. It has been truly life-changing!
E.H., Spain
Thank you so much for all the valuable information that you teach. It is helping me a lot in my journey. I have felt very profoundly the psycho-emotional-spiritual resources and opinions. I have been fifteen years very sick without a diagnosis, or visiting doctors, and I accumulated tons of suffering. Luckily, one year ago a doctor found the real problem, Lyme disease. At that moment, after such a long denial, I had to undergo a huge process of forgiveness. I think that above all Lyme disease is a humility lesson and a spiritual opportunity to discover who we really are in essence.Thanks to you, my recovery will be stronger and sooner. I am far from California, but maybe I can meet you personally once I get there.
Best regards from Spain.
Pricing Options
One Time Payment
SIGN ME UPThree Monthly Payments
What You Get In the Program
- The 8 weekly masterclasses and coaching/ implementation group sessions with me personally. They are 75-90 minutes long with a guarantee of small groups for personal attention and support.
- Lifetime access to the Healing vault including the masterclass recordings, meditation and hypnosis audio MP3s, a 28-day affirmation bundle, a 7-day EFT calendar, a limiting belief buster workbook, and my manifestation method workbook.
- You’ll also be assigned an accountability buddy in the program, so that you feel connected and have someone to share insights with, encourage each other and support each other on the healing journey.
- A mid-program one-on-one check in call with me to see if you have any specific questions or have awareness of blocks that you need help working through.
- You’ll also receive a physical welcome gift, delivered to your door.
You will become crystal clear about the power of your mind and inspired to shift your entire mindset towards health and wholeness!
You will have me there to coach you out of your blocks and anything that gets in the way so you get the support you need to experience transformation in your health and life. You will learn several tools and modalities that you can use in your own life forever to affect profound change.
On top of everything listed, you will have access to my online educational program, Lyme-Ed For Patients. This is an extremely comprehensive program in which you will learn everything you need to know about adopting an integrative approach to Lyme. This will be unlocked towards the end of your program (because there’s SO much information in there and I don’t want you distracted!).
This will be helpful as it will give you a deep dive into treatment options for Lyme to work optimally along with your new, empowered mindset.
This course alone is worth $497.
"Lyme Ed is an amazing resource. Dr. Ducharme goes into great detail about this very complex disease in a way that is easy to understand. Her course has blessed me in many ways!" V.G.

Can I only do this program if I have chronic Lyme?
I live in another country, can I still join?
Do you offer payment plans?
Do you offer refunds?
How much time should I dedicate to this program?
How long will I have access to the recordings?
Your brain is a powerful tool – and it can work for you or against you.
Often we run subconscious programs in our mind … of lack, or negativity, or hopelessness – not because we mean to, but because they were either instilled when we were young, or found their way in somewhere else along the way, just creeping in like weeds in your garden … or like an unwanted virus on your computer.
In chronic illness, negative thoughts and emotions can be heightened because of challenging past experiences and physiological imbalances.
Whether you are experiencing chronic health issues yourself, and find yourself in that negative spiral, or you have loved ones who are going through it and you desperately want to know how to help them, you are in the right place. Because I am going to teach you some tools that you can use right now to start shifting your mindset and move towards healing and more positive and empowered life.
This work is NECESSARY for true healing to occur.
As one graduate of my Transformational Healing Academy said –